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The IUVA requests abstracts for both oral and poster presentations for the 2019 IUVA World Congress to be held at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia on February 10-13, 2019.

As new challenges continue to arise in drinking water, reuse water and wastewater treatment, air pollution, hospital infections, ballast water treatment and industrial effluents, new applications emerge for UV technologies. The focus of this conference is to present the recent advancements in technology and research addressing the environmental, health, and treatment process challenges of today, as well as to discuss the current trends in UV regulations and new applications.

Abstracts should be submitted online by September 21, 2018. The abstract length is 200-300 words (no figures) and should include full contact information for the corresponding author. After the authors are notified of acceptance, they will be required to submit a document for the proceedings in one of the following formats:

  • Full paper
  • Presentation slides

The requirements for each format will be announced at a later date.

Abstracts accepted for oral presentation will include a 15-minute oral presentation followed by 5 minutes of discussion. Abstracts accepted for poster presentations may include a 5-minute oral presentation session (to be determined) followed by a 45 minute Q&A session at each poster session.

Suggested Topics Include:


  • Regulatory trends and establishing guidelines
  • Technology trends: UV-C LEDs, light-sources, electronic drivers and reactors
  • Low wavelengths: modeling and measurement
  • Validation issues: CFD, velocity profiles and correction factors
  • Comparison of horizontal and vertical UV reactors Startup, commissioning and O&M issues of UV systems

Advanced Oxidation

  • UV-LEDs
  • UV-photocatalysts
  • UV-ozone, UV-peroxide, UV-chlorine
  • Byproducts


  • Municipal drinking water, reuse water and wastewater
  • Pharma
  • Beverage
  • Hatcheries
  • Healthcare
  • Ballast water treatment
  • Reduction in TOC, chlorine, chloramine, ozone
  • Industrial water supply and discharge
  • Aquatics
  • Air treatment
  • Photopolymerization
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